April was a busy month, I’ve only managed to finish one book. I’ve finished Unsheakable by Tony Robin, a follow-up of is other book Money: Master the game that is shorter and can be read independently.
A lot of what is said in Money: master the game is re-told in unshakable, it makes me feel that Robin wanted to a shorter book (225 pages vs the 600+ pages for Money: master the game) to reach more people and promote is partnership with Creative Planning which was left out of the other book.
Its start off making you aware of how bad the financial industry is treating you and how to do it on your own or find a good advisor.
First he goes how bad are mutual fund which are outperform by the index most of the time after including the fee you pay (95% of the time according to the book).
He then goes to show how most financial advisor don’t have your interest at heart because they are actually broker and will push product that may give them bigger commission.
Other topic are covered like 401K, how to prepare and take advantage of market correction and bear market, tax efficiency and more.
The last section is about real wealth and how it is emotional, psychological and spiritual. How living a fulfilling life is more important than just success.
This section in my opinion what makes this book and money (it has a similar chapter) stand out compare to most other financial help book out there.
My final take is that if you’re interested to read about your finance this book is a good start, it contains the message of it previous book and is a much lighter read. It will get you started, I found so chapter tedious at the beginning even though he made a good effort of keeping the book interesting.
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