I’m not travelling much, but when I do I hate it when my alarm goes off when it doesn’t need to. This idea came about when I was looking to try some android development and tried a multitude of alarm apps. Most of them were ok, some had ads, some had timezone and most were better than the default at the time. However, none would use the location data to determine if the alarm will go off or not.
There are two points to the idea of an alarm clock (and calendar) taking account location.
First, if you’re not home do you really need that alarm and second if you need that alarm do you need it in your local time or your current time zone. In the first case, let’s say you’re on vacation, well you don’t need to wake up at 5h30 to skip traffic do you ? In the second case, you might have an important meeting or a call to do precisely at that time but in your local time, not in the time whatever time zone you’re in.
These two features would be pretty useful in a calendar and task tracking software (like Omnifocus) too. CGP Grey even talked about it on his podcast Cortex with Mike.
I haven’t done research yet, but I’m pretty sure something like this exists.
Since nowadays I don’t travel much (especially in the last two years…), I don’t have a need for it anymore.
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