Finding a daycare center that has some space left can be a pain. Sometimes you have to clinch a spot months before the baby is even born. So, I thought of a service or app that could do that. Note that most government sponsored daycare have that kind of service, but they don’t usually include private daycare centers or family daycare.
How to make it?
The main problem is getting where the daycare centers are in a region and how to know if they’re good or not. The simplest way is to crowdsource the information and allow users to enter daycare centers they know of and let them review them. Getting users to fill in the missing information can be tricky, gamifying the site so users can get points and badges to motivate them to fill in more information. It will need a forum where parents can discuss and ask questions.
The remaining part of the site or app is pretty straightforward. It needs a search engine to search daycare centers based on zip code, address, city or name and a map to show where they are.
The site could link to kids and baby products for some advertising and affiliate marketing revenue.
Making Money with the app or service
There is probably not a lot of money to be made. One source could be kids and baby products ads and affiliate offers where the parents search and on the result page.
Another option is to let daycare services advertise on the site.
These type of site already exist, you can check some example here:
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