In January 2017 I’ve decided I would read 16 books, my goal is to hit 100 books read before I turn 40. I’ve already read 34 in 2013-2014, 26 in 2015, 12 in 2016, so I’m only 8 shorts of my goal, so I’m going to try to read 12 book this year since I’m going to have 40 this year. The rules are simple, more that’s 20-30 pages (my average is around 300-400 pages), audio books are fair game, but all book must be book I’ve never read.
1-Deep work
Having problems focusing at home and work, this book was a great way to work in a more meaningful and focused way. I’ve basically quit Twitter and facebook this year because of it. This helped the avoid distraction a bit, but I have kids and has you might know they are distractions machine. Hopefully I will manage to keep the distraction down, despite having them around.
2-Whole brain child
Interesting take on what helps a kid develops is brain in the early years. One of my big takeaway is that the amount of word that a family speak around the child have a huge impact on the kids development and that TV doesn’t count, it’s the interaction with people and the word spoken that help the child.
3-The subtle art of not giving a f*ck
A great book about life without being preachy. Just writing about it makes me realized I should reread my note about it.
4-Fahrenheit 451 (Fr)
Some friends at work kind of started a book club, they’ve already read 1984 and Brave new world so I suggested this book, which is kind of similar to the two others. It’s a classic
5-Nobody want to read your shit
Another gem by Steven Pressfield, focus on writing, but it advice can probably be applied to most creative endeavor.
6-Dale Carnegie – the 5 essential people skill (audio)
Not sure where to find the book, it a series on how to speak to your employees and colleagues.
7-Instinct de survie (French) ( or The Escapist if you want the english version)
Written by GABRIEL FILIPPI and BRETT POPPLEWELL (English version). The Escapist tells the life story of veteran climber Gabriel Filippi and his struggle with by survivor’s guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder. Probably my favorite book of the year, it becomes a page turner the second he start telling stories about is climb. Side note, I actually bought the book directly from the author at a Banff Film Festival viewing.
8-La mort d’Ivan Ilitch (Fr)
Another book from our book club at work, a classic written by the legendary Russian writer Tolstoy. While this story is really shorter that is magnum opus War & Peace, it’s still a great book. I could relate to the character, despite the story taking place 100 years in the past.
9-This will make you smarter (audio)
A create book on critical thinking, scientific method and how to address people stuck in their ways (climate change denier for instance).
10-How to talk so kids will listen…
A new version of a parenting book written in the 80’s with a new section by the daughter of the author where she talks about where it’s got her, and how she is now raising her kid.
11-Money master the game (Canadian edition. French translation)
Tony Robbin book on money, great read, a lot of principle found in the intelligent investor. Interview with investors at the top of their games. I usually try to read the original, but I got this one in French from the library.
12-Your first dollars (ebook)
Ed Dale one of (or the) authors of “the 30 days challenge,” which taught how to make a niche site in 30 days. The book seems to take elements of “the challenge” but mostly focus on the psychology of doing things. A lot of gems even if your not planning to start a niche site or business. It’s short too, less than a hundred pages if I recall.
13-The Daily stoic
The Daily Stoic offers 366 days of Stoic insights and exercises, I’ve usually read two page days every day (one in the morning and one at night)
14-Peaceful parent, happy kids
A parenting book, I might need to re-read it because we have problem getting my daughter to go to bed before 8pm
15-Barking up the wrong tree
I’m having a hard time reviewing this one in one sentence. It’s kind of a self-help book, but instead of preaching, the authors take preconception we have about success and smash them into pieces with fact and statistics.
He has a blog to that I was unaware of definitely worth reading.
16-Le horla (Fr) (Maupassant)
A classic from French literature that was selected in our book club at work.
17-Your move (ebook)
Ramit new ebook about building an online business, a lot of gem about providing value and business in our day and age.
18-Celtes et Gaulois (small 50 pages) (French)
Small Book about various aspect of the Gallic life (deity, cities, weapon, family structure and more)
19-Vercingétorix (Camille Julian) (French)
Written in 1909 by Camille Julian, this book tell the story of the leader that united the Gallic Tribes to rise against Roman occupation after Caesar thought he had Gaul in is hand.
20-La véritable histoire de Marc-Aurèle (The real story of Marcus-Aurelius) (French)
A quick book (around 160 pages) about the life of Marcus-Aurelius through letters sent by his mentor and other correspondent and though is diary call nowadays “Meditation”.
Read but not completely (skim or to short to count)
Google Analytic (3rd edition)
S.Q.P.R. (a Roman history book starting from Cicero)
Play for a living (collection of quote and beautiful artwork, was from Charlies Hoehn Kickstarter)
Hope there some book you want to read in the list, let me know what book you’ve read in 2017 and want do you want to read in 2018.
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