I’ve talked about the law of 100 in recently. The #The100DayProject take it to the next level by including a consistency and an accountability component. What is the 100 day project?
The 100 Day Project is a free creative project that takes place online. Every end of January, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of exploring their creativity. The idea is simple: choose a project, do it every day for 100 days, and share your process on Instagram with the hashtag #The100DayProject.
While there is no hard required accountability, having to share it every day create an expectation from your peers and if you miss a day everyone will see it. It also helps you by being consistent. We all know that being consistent can bring wonderful things to the world. Take for example Seth Godin, who is blogging every day since he started his blog.
Here some example of creators that took this project and their wonderful creation.
The concept of this project really ring a bell with me because it everything you need to get yourself going. It gives you a reason to do it every day, public accountability, a tribes different from your own to share your art, small incremental step toward a bigger goal. I haven’t tried it yet since I found it harder to apply to what I do (writing and coding), but I’m sure I’ll join eventually.
You don’t have to wait for the project to start to do something similar. It is a great template to create your own. Challenge some friend to do a similar change with you. You can use app like Beeminder, StickK or HabitShare to follow through on your goal.
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